Dolls and Doll-related Items for Sale

Saturday, March 4, 2023


This post is coming a day late, but yesterday was Hinamatsuri, or Girl's Day, in Japan. An important part of the festival is a display of dolls and doll-sized accessories. The emperor and empress sit at the top of any Hinamatsuri doll set. I bought the set above from Re-ment. I had a hard time putting everything together, and tried to use poster stickies to help keep stuff in place. It wasn't until I looked at the pictures that I realized that the emperor and his wife were tipping slightly as a result. Oh well. I still think it turned out cute. I saw that Re-ment also makes a Hello Kitty themed Hinamatsuri set. I've seen Peanuts themed ones as well.

I sewed the dress that our little Japanese girl is wearing. The hardest part was sewing the sleeves. I think I would sew them first next time, before I sewed the sides of the dress.


  1. Lovely set up. I've seen those Re-ment sets online and they look very realistic for the most part. I didn't notice the tipping until you pointed it out, but since they both are tilted towards each other, it looks like it was done on purpose. The dress is very cute though, but it must have been very hard to sew something so tiny.

    1. Thank you, this set is pretty realistic, which I like. I'd like to get more pieces for making a larger display, but this is enough to start with. The dress was not that hard to sew, except for the sleeves. It was cut out as one piece, so no shoulder seams, which helped.

  2. Well I learnt something new today. Hey Barb, perhaps the Emperor was just leaning in to capture a kiss from the Empress. :) I don't envy the sewing, that doll is so tiny.
    Big hugs,

    1. You never know, Xanadu. The Empress is pretty with her little fan. :) It did take work getting that dress together, but the pattern was well made.

  3. Thank you, Linda! I've been handsewing for a very long time, although usually not on things this tiny!

  4. The baby is so cute in that dress. The royal couple have a dignified air. I wouldn't question their right to top the doll line. They belong there.

    1. Thank you, Dana. Re-Ment did a good job putting so much detail into this set.
